Original navy symbols
These are all close-ups of Jez Goodwin's original designs which a kindly French artist made some quick edits of for me. They will make for great transfers/decals.
This one is a "feathered wing" variant of the main symbol.
This one he notes is the official navy symbol for use on ship "bulkheads", indoors basically, and less high profile.
This one he specifies for fighter squadrons and fighters.
This one he states is for transports, which could therefore be the one to go for on Imperial Guard transports such as Valkyries.
To be honest I'm not sure if this one is intentionally for the Navy, but it's an odd little symbol that does seem to be based on the Naval "halo". It occurs up in the corner of the article on Naval Landing Parties in White Dwarf issue 240, January 2000, pp.98-99. Could it be a nod to a potential "Naval Infantry division" similar to Jez's divisional logos above? The lightning strike resembles the original Stormtrooper insignia, pre "Tempestus Scions".
This one is a "feathered wing" variant of the main symbol.
This one he notes is the official navy symbol for use on ship "bulkheads", indoors basically, and less high profile.

This one he specifies for fighter squadrons and fighters.
This one he states is for transports, which could therefore be the one to go for on Imperial Guard transports such as Valkyries.
To be honest I'm not sure if this one is intentionally for the Navy, but it's an odd little symbol that does seem to be based on the Naval "halo". It occurs up in the corner of the article on Naval Landing Parties in White Dwarf issue 240, January 2000, pp.98-99. Could it be a nod to a potential "Naval Infantry division" similar to Jez's divisional logos above? The lightning strike resembles the original Stormtrooper insignia, pre "Tempestus Scions".

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